Microfading References
I try to keep up but let me know if you see something I have missed. Apologies if I have left you out!
Andreeva, A., 2021. Conservation of a Twentieth-Century Tapestry Treated with a Flame Retardant: Two Panels from Ina Golub’s The Spiritual Journey (Doctoral dissertation, Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York).
Barro, L., Sanderson, K., Centeno, S.A. and Saunders, B., 2020. The exhibition and characterization of seven salted paper prints. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 59(3-4), pp.171-185
Beltran V, Druzik J, Andrew Lerwill A, & C Pesme. 2014. An Examination of Light-Induced Color Change in Anoxia and Hypoxia Using the Microfading Tester. In Research and Technical Studies Specialty Group Postprints, vol. 5.
Beltran, V. 2019. Advancing Microfading Tester Practice: A report from an experts meeting organized by the Getty Conservation Institute, March 13-15, 2018 https://www.getty.edu/conservation/publications_resources/pdf_publications/pdf/Advancing_MFT_practice.pdf
Beltran, V.L., Pesme, C., Freeman, S. and Benson, M., 2021. Microfading tester: light sensitivity assessment and role in lighting policy. Getty Conservation Institute.Free booklet.
Beckett F, Holden A, & GD Smith, 2019. Seeing the light: Research, conservation and exhibition of a 1980s daylight fluorescent painted leather jacket designed by Sprouse and painted by Castronovo, JAIC, 58(4), 233-247, DOI: 10.1080/01971360.2019.1614290
Biggs, Kyna, Lee Anne Daphne, Abed Haddad, Oluremi Onabanjo, Antoinette Roberts, Annie Wilker. 2024. Conserving the Everyday. MOMA Magazine. https://www.moma.org/magazine/articles/1025
Burgio, L., 2021. Pigments, dyes and inks: their analysis on manuscripts, scrolls and papyri. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 13(11), pp.1-16.
Carrión-Ruiz, B., Riutort-Mayol, G., Molada-Tebar, A., Lerma, J.L. and Villaverde, V., 2020. Color degradation mapping of rock art paintings using microfading spectrometry. Journal of Cultural Heritage.
Chan, E., Aambø, M., Łojewski, T., Grimstad, I., Ufnalewska-Godzimirska, M. and Sandu, I.C.A., 2022. Microfade lightfastness testing on the scream versions in the munch museum collection. International Journal of Conservation Science, 13: 1623-1634.
Chua, L., and G.D. Smith. 2016. Characterization of Haku Maki prints from the “Poem” series using light-based techniques. Heritage Science 4: 25. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40494-016-0096-z
Ciortan, I.M., Poulsson, T.G., George, S. and Hardeberg, J.Y., 2023. Tensor decomposition for painting analysis. Part 1: pigment characterization. Heritage Science, 11(1), p.76.
Ciortan, I.M., Poulsson, T.G., George, S. and Hardeberg, J.Y., 2023. Tensor decomposition for painting analysis. Part 2: spatio-temporal simulation. Heritage Science, 11(1), p.84.
Columbia, M.R., Smith, G.D., C. Hoevel, and P. Messier. 2013. The Application of Microfadeometric Testing to Mounted Photographs at the Indianapolis Museum of Art Microscopy and Microanalysis 19, S2: 1412-1413
Confortin, D., Neevel, H., M.R. van Bommel, and B. Reissland. 2010. Study of the degradation of an early synthetic dye, Crystal Violet Proceedings of Colour in Art, Science, Design, Conservation, Research, Printmaking, Digital Technologies, Textiles Gjøvik University College, Gjøvik, Norway 8 - 11 June 2010 http://www.create.uwe.ac.uk/submit_nor.htm
Connors S.A., Whitmore, P.M., Roger, S., R.S Keyes, and E. Coombs. 2005. The identification and light sensitivity of Japanese woodblock print colorants: the impact on art history and preservation, P. Jett, J. Winter, B. McCarthy (Eds.), Scientific Research on the Pictorial Arts of Asia, Proceedings of the Second Forbes Symposium at the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington DC, 18–20 September 2003, Archetype, Washington DC, 2005: 35–47.
Daher, C., Tournié, A., Sauvagnargues, F., Andraud, C., Cuisin, J., Illes, V. and Kissel, É., 2020. Colored feathers in museum collections: A spectroscopic study of 3 bio-pigments and their lightfastness. Journal of Cultural Heritage.
Daher, C., Nikolaus, S., Kissel, É., Sauvagnargues, F., Robinet, L., Heu, S., Percot, A., eline Paris, C., Cuisin, J. and Nunez-Regueiro, P., 2022. A multi-technical study of Native North American objects dating from the 17th to 19th centuries. In 5th International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology.
Das, A. and Mandal, M., 2024. Study of color degradation in package prints: Analyzing kinetics with principal component analysis. Color Research & Application.
del Hoyo‐Meléndez, J.M., 2024. Physico‐chemical characterisation and light stability of dyes and pigments found in cultural heritage objects: Insights from microfading testing for assessing light fastness. Coloration Technology. 1-26. doi:10.1111/cote.12788
del Hoyo-Meléndez, J. M. and M.F. Mecklenburg. 2010. A survey on the light-fastness properties of organic-based Alaska Native artifacts, Journal of Cultural Heritage 11: 493-499.
del Hoyo-Meléndez J. M.and M.F. Mecklenburg. 2011. A note on the use of micro-fading spectrometry to evaluate the light-fastness of materials in oxygen free environments, Spectroscopy Letters 44: 113-121.
del Hoyo-Meléndez, J.M. and M.F. Mecklenburg. 2011. An investigation of the reciprocity principle of light exposures using micro-fading spectrometry, Spectroscopy Letters, 44: 52-62.
del Hoyo-Meléndez, J. M., and M.F. Mecklenburg. 2012. Micro-fading Spectrometry: A Tool for Real-time Assessment of the Light-fastness of Dye/Textile Systems. Fibers and Polymers 13(8): 1079-1085.
del Hoyo-Melendez, J.M., Gondko. K., Mendys, A., Krol M, Klisiska-Kopacz, A., J. Sobczyk, and A. Jaworucka-Drath. 2016. A multi-technique approach for detecting and evaluating material inconsistencies in historical banknotes. Forensic Science International 266: 329–337.
del Hoyo-Meléndez, J.M., Świt, P. a J. Sobczyk 2018, Measuring photostability through glass: the application of microfading testing to the study of framed pastel artworks Colouration Technology, 0, pp. 1-11
dos Santos, I.F.S., de Faria, D.L.A. and Marins, P.C.G., 2024. Microanalytical investigation of brazilian coat of arms paintings on paper. Microchemical Journal, 201, p.110633.
Duan, H., 2024. Predicting the Long-Term Light Stability of Color Photographic Prints: Comparing Macro and Micro-fade Testing Results. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 30(Supplement_1).
Druzik, J. 2010, Micofading Oriel microfading tester (MFT): a brief description, American Institute of Conservation 38th Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, WI: The Textile Specialty Group Postprints 20:135-143.
Druzik, J., and C. Pesme. 2010. Comparison of five microfading tester (MFT) designs, American Institute of Conservation 38th Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, WI: The Textile Specialty Group Postprints, vol. 20, pp. 144-156.
Druzik, J. n.d. Evaluating the light sensitivity of paints in selected wall paintings at the Mogao grottoes: caves 217, 98, and 85 in Mogao Grottoes Cave 85 Project
Druzik, J., K. Taylor, T. Mesquit, and M. Reinsch-Sackett., 2007, Assessing collections materials with a microfader. Paper Presented at the WAAC Annual Meeting,September 15-17 2007, Denver, CO.
Duan, H., 2024. Predicting the Long-Term Light Stability of Color Photographic Prints: Comparing Macro and Micro-fade Testing Results. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 30(Supplement_1).
Edwards, G., Lundgren, A., Wiggins, M.B. and Hardman-Peavy, C., 2024. Tricks of the Shade: Preservation of Chemically Developed Shading Papers Based on DuoShade Samples. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, pp.1-18.
Eng, C.W., Preusser, F.D. and Schaeffer, T.T., 2016. Reflections on light monitoring: Evaluating museum lighting options for modern and contemporary art. Studies in Conservation, 61(sup2), pp.44-48.
Facini, M., Dooley, K.A., Maines, C., Morales, K. and Delaney, J.K., Investigating Mark Rothko’s Water-Based Paintings on Construction Paper from the 1930s. No ref.
Fieberg, J.E., Knutas, P., K. Hostettler, and G.D. Smith. 2017. "Paintings Fade Like Flowers": Pigment Analysis and Digital Reconstruction of a Faded Pink Lake Pigment in Vincent van Gogh's Undergrowth with Two Figures. Applied Spectroscopy 71(5): 794-808.
Fiske, B., and S. Morenus. 2004. Ultraviolet and infrared examination of Japanese woodblock prints: identifying reds and blues. The Book and Paper Group Annual 23(21) (Presented at the Book & Paper Group Session, AIC 32nd Annual Meeting, June 9–14, 2004, Portland, Oregon).
Ford B., and N.Smith. 2009. The development of a significance and risk based lighting framework at the National Museum of Australia, AICCM Bulletin 32:80-86.
Ford, B. 2009. Non-destructive microfade testing at the National Museum of Australia, AICCM Bulletin 32: 54-64.
Ford, B,. and N. Smith. 2010. Protecting the most important, most exhibited and most fugitive museum objects from light-fading, American Institute of Conservation 38th Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, WI: The Textile Specialty Group Postprints 20: 156-166.
Ford, B., and N. Smith. 2011. Lighting guidelines and the lightfastness of Australian indigenous objects at the National Museum of Australia. Proceedings of the 16th Triennial Conference ICOM-CC, Lisbon.
Ford, B., and J. Druzik. 2013. Microfading: The State of the Art for Natural History Collections. Collection Forum 27 (1): 54-57
Ford, B., and I. Batterham. 2014. Accelerated fading of some historic office copy documents. 8th AICCM Book, Paper and Photographic Materials Symposium, 2014, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 7-9th May 2014:14-20.
Ford, B. 2014. The accelerated light fading of iron gall inks in air, hypoxia and near-anoxia. In ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference Preprints, Melbourne, 15–19 September 2014, ed. J. Bridgland, art. 0604, 8 pp. Paris: International Council of Museums. (ISBN 978-92-9012-410-8)
Ford, B. and N. Smith. 2017. A reality check for microfade testing: Five examples. In ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference Preprints, Copenhagen, 4–8 September 2017, ed. J. Bridgland, art. 1508.Paris: International Council of Museums.
Ford, BL 2018. A microfading survey of the lightfastness of blue, black and red ballpoint pen inks in ambient and modified environments. AICCM Bulletin 39(1), https://doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2018.1515809.
Ford, B. and Korenberg, C. 2023. Manufacturing Variations in ISO Blue Wool Fading Standards under Microfading Exposure Conditions. Studies in Conservation, DOI: 10.1080/00393630.2023.2184555 pp.1-12.
France, F.G. 2014. Fugitive modern media and challenges of long-term exhibition. In ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference Preprints, Melbourne, 15–19 September 2014, ed. J. Bridgland, art. 1601, 8 pp. Paris: International Council of Museums. (ISBN 978-92-9012-410-8)
Freeman, S.K. 2011. A technical study on the work of Felice Beato in Asia, Topics in photographic Preservation 14: 59-69.
Freeman, S., Druzik, J., Harnly, M. and C. Pesme. 2014. Monitoring photographic materials with a microfade tester. In ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference Preprints, Melbourne, 15–19 September 2014, ed. J. Bridgland, art. 1402, 9 pp. Paris: International Council of Museums. (ISBN 978-92-9012-410-8)
Gabler, D & Lam T, 2017. Microfade testing of plains indian shirts https://repository.si.edu/bitstream/handle/10088/34489/Microfade_Testing_of_Plains_Indian_Shirt.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Gordon, E. 2008. Comparing paper extract to traditional toning materials, Association of North American Graduate Programs in the Conservation of Cultural Property (ANAGPIC 2008), http://www.ischool.utexas.edu/~anagpic/2008pdf/2008ANAGPIC_Gordon.pdf
Guan, M., Chen, Y., Li, X., Wang, Y., Kang, X., Hu, X., Qu, L. and Li, G., 2024. Evaluation of color degradation on unearthed silks: A data analytical strategy based on microfading spectrometry. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 66, pp.501-510.
Guérin, A.M., Tse, S. and Dignard, C., 2022. Microfade Testing of Fourteen Natural Dyes on Wool: A Comparison of Five Mordants. Studies in Conservation 68(5), pp.1-15.
Haddad, A., Neufeld, L. and Martins, A., 2023. Realizing sensations: analyzing Paul Cezanne’s watercolors and assessing their light sensitivity with microfade testing. Heritage Science, 11(1), p.39.
Heikell, V., Himiona, H., Whitehead, A., Whitehead, P., Lash, S., & Bickersteth, J. (2025). Addressing Cultural Risks in Conservation Decision-Making in the Development of the He Tohu Exhibition. AICCM Bulletin, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2024.2435081
Hagan., E., Smith, M., A. Maheux, and C. McNair. 2016. A low oxygen capable storage and display case for the proclamation of the constitution and design of a counterbalance supporting mount for the books of remembrance. American Institute of Conservation 44th Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada. Book and Paper. https://aics44thannualmeeting2016.sched.com/event/4hH9/book-and-paper-a-low-oxygen-capable-storage-and-display-case-for-the-proclamation-of-the-constitution-act-design-of-a-counterbalance-supporting-mount-for-the-books-of-remembrance#
Hearn, Y. and Nel, P., 2024. Conserving Artline Permanent Marker and Fineliner Pens on Paper: Assessing Vulnerability of Drawings by Walmajarri Artist Jimmy Pike. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, pp.1-20.
Jamison, J., Davis, S., C., Chemello, and W. Partridge. 2010, A Dionysian dilemma: the conservation and display of oversized Pompeian watercolors at the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. The Book and Paper Group Annual 29: 51-58 Presented at the Book and Paper Group Session, AIC’s 38th Annual Meeting, May 11–14, 2010, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
A. Klisińska‐Kopacz, B. Łydżba‐Kopczyńska, M. Czarnecka, T. Koźlecki, J. del Hoyo Melendez, A. Mendys, A. Kłosowska‐Klechowska, M. Obarzanowski, P. Frączek, 2019. Raman spectroscopy as a powerful technique for the identification of polymers used in cast sculptures from museum collections. J Raman Spectrosc. 2019, 50, 213. https://doi.org/10.1002/jrs.5407
Klisińska-Kopacz, A., Krupska-Wolas, P., Obarzanowski, M., Kłosowska-Klechowska, A. and del Hoyo Meléndez, J., 2022. Spectroscopic Characterization of Sensitive Museum Plastic-Based Objects. In International Conference Florence Heri-Tech: the Future of Heritage Science and Technologies (pp. 107-118). Springer, Cham.
Kogou, S., Lucian, A., Bellesia, S., Burgio, L., Bailey, K., Brooks, C, and H. Liang. 2015. A holistic multimodal approach to the noninvasive analysis of watercolour paintings. Appl. Phys. A 10.1007/s00339-015-9425-4
Kern, M., Brückle, I., Dietz, G.J., Henniges, U., Meyer, F., Prestel, T., Röhrs, S. and Vannucci, G., Permanently bright? Predicting light-induced changes in white paper: Preliminary results.0th ICOM-CC Triennial Conference, September 2023 https://icom-cc2023.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/0602_866_KERN_Paper.pdf
Lam, T.F., Smith, S., Devine, S. and Vicenzi, E.P., 2023. Color Analysis and Microfade Testing of the 1918 Curtiss Jenny US Airmail Stamp. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Analytical Methods in Philately. The Institute for Analytical Philately.
Lavédrine, B. 2011. Development of microfading testing for transmission measurement on color transparencies. Paper presented at the symposium Anoxia and Microfading: The Impact on Collection Care, 12–13 September, Tate Modern, Bankside, London
Lerwill, A., Townsend, J., Liang, H., Hackney, S., and J. Thomas. 2007. A versatile microfadometer for lightfastness testing and pigment identification. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 6618. 10.1117/12.726029
Lerwill, A., Townsend, J.H., Liang, H., Thomas. J. and S. Hackney. 2008, ‘A portable micro-fading spectrometer for versatile lightfastness testing’, E-Preservation Science 5: pp. 17–28.
Lerwill, A. 2011. Micro-fading spectrometry: An investigation into the display of traditional watercolour pigments in anoxia, PhD Dissertation, Nottingham Trent University, UK.
Lerwill, A., Townsend, J.H., Thomas, J., Hackney, S., C. Caspers, and H, Liang. 2013 Photochemical colour change for traditional watercolour pigments in low oxygen levels. Studies in Conservation 60(1), pp. 15-32.
Lerwill, A., Brookes, A., Townsend, J., Hackney, S. and H. Liang, 2014. Micro-fading spectrometry: investigating the wavelength specificity of fading. Applied Physics A. 118. 10.1007/s00339-014-8645-3
Lerwill, A., Pesme, C., Beltran, V., and J. Druzik, 2015. Investigating the Validity of Microfading Spectroscopy to Predict Photochemically Induced Color Change at Lower Light Levels. NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference.
Liang, H., Lange, R., Lucian, A., Hyndes, P., J.H.Townsend, and S. Hackney. 2011, Development of portable microfading spectrometers for measurement of light sensitivity of materials. Proceedings of the 16th Triennial Conference ICOM-CC, Lisbon.
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Lowe, B.J., Smith, C.A., Gordon, K.C., Hanton, L.R., Ford, B.L., Korsten, A., S.J. Fraser, and B.A. Lomax. 2014. Relating colour, chemical and physical characteristics of artificially light-aged New Zealand plant fibres. In ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference Preprints, Melbourne, 15–19 September 2014, ed. J. Bridgland, art. 1606, 8 pp. Paris: International Council of Museums. (ISBN 978-92-9012-410-8)
Lowe, B.J., Smith, C.A., Fraser-Miller, S.J., Paterson, R.A., Daroux F., Ngarimu-Cameron, R., Ford, B.L. and K.C. Gordon. 2016. Light-ageing characteristics of Māori textiles: Colour, strength and molecular change. In press: Journal of Cultural Heritage http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1296207416304083 . Accessed 22nd December 2016.
Martins, A., Prud’hom, A.C., Duranton, M., Haddad, A., Daher, C., Bail, G.L. and Tang, T., 2021. Jazz Colors: Pigment Identification in the Gouaches Used by Henri Matisse. Heritage, 4(4), pp.4205-4221.
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Morales Merino, C., Röhrs, S., Meyer, F., Marten, S. and Reiche, I., 2016. Micro-fading testing on modern ink based pens and contemporary drawings from the Kupferstichkabinett Berlin. Berliner Beiträge zur Archäometrie, Kunsttechnologie und Konserv, 24, pp.89-102.
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Panadero, L., Eremin, K. and Bulat, E., 2020. X-ray Fluorescence Analysis of Frédéric Flachéron’s Paper Negatives, 1848–1852. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, pp.1-8.
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Pearlstein, E., Riedler, R., Gleeson, J.M. Druzik, and C. Pesme. 2011, A collaborative study of Native California featherwork, Proceedings of the 16th Triennial Conference ICOM-CC, Lisbon.
Pesme, C., Andrew Lerwill A., Beltran V. & J. Druzik, 2016, Development of Contact Portable Microfade Tester to Assess Light Sensitivity of Collection Items JAIC, 55(2), pp. 117-137.
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Pesme, C. and Dunne, K., 2022. The Continuing Development of Display Recommendations at the National Galleries of Scotland: Exploring a Value-based Decision Strategy for Light Risk Mitigation. Studies in Conservation, 67(sup1), pp.219-227.
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Smith, GD, Chen,VJ, Hostettler, KF & CE Phipps 2019. Disappearing ink! Unraveling the fading of a contemporary design object Physical Sciences Reviews 4(7), pp DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/psr-2018-0018
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Świt, Paweł GarganoJulio, Marco M. Julio del Hoyo-Meléndez. 2021. Beam characterization of a microfading tester: evaluation of several methods. Heritage Science 9(1) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352964345_Beam_characterization_of_a_microfading_tester_evaluation_of_several_methods/references#fullTextFileContent
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Townsend, J.H. and Freemantle, R., 2023. Three works on paper by Vincent Van Gogh: technical study, display considerations and a conjectural colour reconstruction. Journal of the Institute of Conservation, pp.1-20.
Troalen, L.G., Röhrs, S., Calligaro, T., Pacheco, C., Kunz, S., J.M. del Hoyo-Meléndez, and A.N. Hulme. 2016. A multi-analytical approach towards the investigation of Subarctic Athapaskan colouring of quillwork and its sensitivity to photo-degradation. Microchemical Journal 126: 83-91., 10.1016/j.microc.2015.11.053
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Tse, S., L. Cipera, and C. Lecki. 2011, Microfading to support exhibit decisions: The Catharine Parr Traill Scrapbooks. Collection Forum 25(1): 92-106.
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Troalen, L.G., Röhrs, S., Calligaro, T., Pacheco, C., Kunz, S., J.M. del Hoyo-Meléndez, and A.N. Hulme. 2016. A multi-analytical approach towards the investigation of Subarctic Athapaskan colouring of quillwork and its sensitivity to photo-degradation. Microchemical Journal, 126: .83-91.
Various. 2016 Microfading Workshop & User Meeting, Rathgen-Forschungslabor, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 7-8th November 2016
Vannucci, G., Joram, S., Beselin, A. and Röhrs, S., 2023. Micro fading test for textile single yarns: a new methodology applied to the Reformation Tapestry to assess its sensitivity to light. Heritage Science, 11(1), pp.1-11.
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Vitorino, T., Picollo, M. and del Hoyo-Meléndez, J.M., 2024. An investigation of the photostability of 19th century artists’ cochineal lake pigments using MFT and conventional accelerated ageing tests. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, pp.1-19.
Whitmore, P.M., X. Pan, and C. Bailie. 1999. Predicting the fading of objects: identification of fugitive colorants through direct nondestructive light-fastness measurements, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 38: 395–409..
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Whitmore, P.M., C. Bailie, and S. Connors. 2000. Micro-fading to predict the result of exhibition: progress and prospects. in Tradition and Innovation: Advances in Conservation, ed. A. Roy and P. Smith. London: IIC: 200-205.
Whitmore, P.M. 2005. The scientific examination of works of art on paper, in A.M. Sackler (Ed.). Colloquium on Scientific Examination of Art: Modern Techniques: in Conservation and Analysis, Washington DC, 19–21 March 2003, National Academy Press, Washington DC: 27–39.
Whitmore, P.M. and C. Tao. 2011. Development of a micro-fading tester with near-UV Capability. Final report to the National Center For Preservation Technology And Training.
Zweifel, S., Tse, S., A.Murray and M. Doutre. 2015. Exploring the Role of the Substrate in the Fading and Reversion behaviour of Prussian Blue Dye. http://resources.conservation-us.org/anagpic-student-papers/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2016/01/2015ANAGPIC_-Zweifel_paper.pdf
Boris Pretzel developed a similar "mini"-scale and less accelerated reflectance spectroscopic fade testing technique at the V&A in the early 2000’s.
Pretzel, B., 2001. Ephemeral or permanent? Illuminating the Bullerswood carpet. V & A conservation journal, (39), pp.29-30. http://www.vam.ac.uk/content/journals/conservation-journal/issue-39/ephemeral-or-permanent-illuminating-the-bullerswood-carpet/
Pretzel, B., 2008, September. Now you see it, now you don’t: lighting decisions for the Ardabil carpet based on the probability of visual perception and rates of fading. In ICOM Committee for Conservation, 16th Triennial Meeting, New Delhi (Vol. 2, pp. 759-765).
Pretzel, B., 2021, May. Surface alteration of Japanese lacquers on exposure to (UV-free) light. In Transcending Boundaries: Integrated Approaches to Conservation. Proceedings of the ICOM-CC 19th Triennial Conference, Beijing, China (pp. 17-21).
Barro, L., Sanderson, K., Centeno, S.A. and Saunders, B., 2020. The exhibition and characterization of seven salted paper prints. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 59(3-4), pp.171-185
Beltran V, Druzik J, Andrew Lerwill A, & C Pesme. 2014. An Examination of Light-Induced Color Change in Anoxia and Hypoxia Using the Microfading Tester. In Research and Technical Studies Specialty Group Postprints, vol. 5.
Beltran, V. 2019. Advancing Microfading Tester Practice: A report from an experts meeting organized by the Getty Conservation Institute, March 13-15, 2018 https://www.getty.edu/conservation/publications_resources/pdf_publications/pdf/Advancing_MFT_practice.pdf
Beltran, V.L., Pesme, C., Freeman, S. and Benson, M., 2021. Microfading tester: light sensitivity assessment and role in lighting policy. Getty Conservation Institute.Free booklet.
Beckett F, Holden A, & GD Smith, 2019. Seeing the light: Research, conservation and exhibition of a 1980s daylight fluorescent painted leather jacket designed by Sprouse and painted by Castronovo, JAIC, 58(4), 233-247, DOI: 10.1080/01971360.2019.1614290
Biggs, Kyna, Lee Anne Daphne, Abed Haddad, Oluremi Onabanjo, Antoinette Roberts, Annie Wilker. 2024. Conserving the Everyday. MOMA Magazine. https://www.moma.org/magazine/articles/1025
Burgio, L., 2021. Pigments, dyes and inks: their analysis on manuscripts, scrolls and papyri. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 13(11), pp.1-16.
Carrión-Ruiz, B., Riutort-Mayol, G., Molada-Tebar, A., Lerma, J.L. and Villaverde, V., 2020. Color degradation mapping of rock art paintings using microfading spectrometry. Journal of Cultural Heritage.
Chan, E., Aambø, M., Łojewski, T., Grimstad, I., Ufnalewska-Godzimirska, M. and Sandu, I.C.A., 2022. Microfade lightfastness testing on the scream versions in the munch museum collection. International Journal of Conservation Science, 13: 1623-1634.
Chua, L., and G.D. Smith. 2016. Characterization of Haku Maki prints from the “Poem” series using light-based techniques. Heritage Science 4: 25. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40494-016-0096-z
Ciortan, I.M., Poulsson, T.G., George, S. and Hardeberg, J.Y., 2023. Tensor decomposition for painting analysis. Part 1: pigment characterization. Heritage Science, 11(1), p.76.
Ciortan, I.M., Poulsson, T.G., George, S. and Hardeberg, J.Y., 2023. Tensor decomposition for painting analysis. Part 2: spatio-temporal simulation. Heritage Science, 11(1), p.84.
Columbia, M.R., Smith, G.D., C. Hoevel, and P. Messier. 2013. The Application of Microfadeometric Testing to Mounted Photographs at the Indianapolis Museum of Art Microscopy and Microanalysis 19, S2: 1412-1413
Confortin, D., Neevel, H., M.R. van Bommel, and B. Reissland. 2010. Study of the degradation of an early synthetic dye, Crystal Violet Proceedings of Colour in Art, Science, Design, Conservation, Research, Printmaking, Digital Technologies, Textiles Gjøvik University College, Gjøvik, Norway 8 - 11 June 2010 http://www.create.uwe.ac.uk/submit_nor.htm
Connors S.A., Whitmore, P.M., Roger, S., R.S Keyes, and E. Coombs. 2005. The identification and light sensitivity of Japanese woodblock print colorants: the impact on art history and preservation, P. Jett, J. Winter, B. McCarthy (Eds.), Scientific Research on the Pictorial Arts of Asia, Proceedings of the Second Forbes Symposium at the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington DC, 18–20 September 2003, Archetype, Washington DC, 2005: 35–47.
Daher, C., Tournié, A., Sauvagnargues, F., Andraud, C., Cuisin, J., Illes, V. and Kissel, É., 2020. Colored feathers in museum collections: A spectroscopic study of 3 bio-pigments and their lightfastness. Journal of Cultural Heritage.
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del Hoyo‐Meléndez, J.M., 2024. Physico‐chemical characterisation and light stability of dyes and pigments found in cultural heritage objects: Insights from microfading testing for assessing light fastness. Coloration Technology. 1-26. doi:10.1111/cote.12788
del Hoyo-Meléndez, J. M. and M.F. Mecklenburg. 2010. A survey on the light-fastness properties of organic-based Alaska Native artifacts, Journal of Cultural Heritage 11: 493-499.
del Hoyo-Meléndez J. M.and M.F. Mecklenburg. 2011. A note on the use of micro-fading spectrometry to evaluate the light-fastness of materials in oxygen free environments, Spectroscopy Letters 44: 113-121.
del Hoyo-Meléndez, J.M. and M.F. Mecklenburg. 2011. An investigation of the reciprocity principle of light exposures using micro-fading spectrometry, Spectroscopy Letters, 44: 52-62.
del Hoyo-Meléndez, J. M., and M.F. Mecklenburg. 2012. Micro-fading Spectrometry: A Tool for Real-time Assessment of the Light-fastness of Dye/Textile Systems. Fibers and Polymers 13(8): 1079-1085.
del Hoyo-Melendez, J.M., Gondko. K., Mendys, A., Krol M, Klisiska-Kopacz, A., J. Sobczyk, and A. Jaworucka-Drath. 2016. A multi-technique approach for detecting and evaluating material inconsistencies in historical banknotes. Forensic Science International 266: 329–337.
del Hoyo-Meléndez, J.M., Świt, P. a J. Sobczyk 2018, Measuring photostability through glass: the application of microfading testing to the study of framed pastel artworks Colouration Technology, 0, pp. 1-11
dos Santos, I.F.S., de Faria, D.L.A. and Marins, P.C.G., 2024. Microanalytical investigation of brazilian coat of arms paintings on paper. Microchemical Journal, 201, p.110633.
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Druzik, J., and C. Pesme. 2010. Comparison of five microfading tester (MFT) designs, American Institute of Conservation 38th Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, WI: The Textile Specialty Group Postprints, vol. 20, pp. 144-156.
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Fieberg, J.E., Knutas, P., K. Hostettler, and G.D. Smith. 2017. "Paintings Fade Like Flowers": Pigment Analysis and Digital Reconstruction of a Faded Pink Lake Pigment in Vincent van Gogh's Undergrowth with Two Figures. Applied Spectroscopy 71(5): 794-808.
Fiske, B., and S. Morenus. 2004. Ultraviolet and infrared examination of Japanese woodblock prints: identifying reds and blues. The Book and Paper Group Annual 23(21) (Presented at the Book & Paper Group Session, AIC 32nd Annual Meeting, June 9–14, 2004, Portland, Oregon).
Ford B., and N.Smith. 2009. The development of a significance and risk based lighting framework at the National Museum of Australia, AICCM Bulletin 32:80-86.
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Ford, B., and N. Smith. 2011. Lighting guidelines and the lightfastness of Australian indigenous objects at the National Museum of Australia. Proceedings of the 16th Triennial Conference ICOM-CC, Lisbon.
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Ford, B., and I. Batterham. 2014. Accelerated fading of some historic office copy documents. 8th AICCM Book, Paper and Photographic Materials Symposium, 2014, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 7-9th May 2014:14-20.
Ford, B. 2014. The accelerated light fading of iron gall inks in air, hypoxia and near-anoxia. In ICOM-CC 17th Triennial Conference Preprints, Melbourne, 15–19 September 2014, ed. J. Bridgland, art. 0604, 8 pp. Paris: International Council of Museums. (ISBN 978-92-9012-410-8)
Ford, B. and N. Smith. 2017. A reality check for microfade testing: Five examples. In ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference Preprints, Copenhagen, 4–8 September 2017, ed. J. Bridgland, art. 1508.Paris: International Council of Museums.
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Guérin, A.M., Tse, S. and Dignard, C., 2022. Microfade Testing of Fourteen Natural Dyes on Wool: A Comparison of Five Mordants. Studies in Conservation 68(5), pp.1-15.
Haddad, A., Neufeld, L. and Martins, A., 2023. Realizing sensations: analyzing Paul Cezanne’s watercolors and assessing their light sensitivity with microfade testing. Heritage Science, 11(1), p.39.
Heikell, V., Himiona, H., Whitehead, A., Whitehead, P., Lash, S., & Bickersteth, J. (2025). Addressing Cultural Risks in Conservation Decision-Making in the Development of the He Tohu Exhibition. AICCM Bulletin, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1080/10344233.2024.2435081
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Jamison, J., Davis, S., C., Chemello, and W. Partridge. 2010, A Dionysian dilemma: the conservation and display of oversized Pompeian watercolors at the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. The Book and Paper Group Annual 29: 51-58 Presented at the Book and Paper Group Session, AIC’s 38th Annual Meeting, May 11–14, 2010, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
A. Klisińska‐Kopacz, B. Łydżba‐Kopczyńska, M. Czarnecka, T. Koźlecki, J. del Hoyo Melendez, A. Mendys, A. Kłosowska‐Klechowska, M. Obarzanowski, P. Frączek, 2019. Raman spectroscopy as a powerful technique for the identification of polymers used in cast sculptures from museum collections. J Raman Spectrosc. 2019, 50, 213. https://doi.org/10.1002/jrs.5407
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Lam, T.F., Smith, S., Devine, S. and Vicenzi, E.P., 2023. Color Analysis and Microfade Testing of the 1918 Curtiss Jenny US Airmail Stamp. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Analytical Methods in Philately. The Institute for Analytical Philately.
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Lerwill, A., Townsend, J.H., Liang, H., Thomas. J. and S. Hackney. 2008, ‘A portable micro-fading spectrometer for versatile lightfastness testing’, E-Preservation Science 5: pp. 17–28.
Lerwill, A. 2011. Micro-fading spectrometry: An investigation into the display of traditional watercolour pigments in anoxia, PhD Dissertation, Nottingham Trent University, UK.
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Lerwill, A., Brookes, A., Townsend, J., Hackney, S. and H. Liang, 2014. Micro-fading spectrometry: investigating the wavelength specificity of fading. Applied Physics A. 118. 10.1007/s00339-014-8645-3
Lerwill, A., Pesme, C., Beltran, V., and J. Druzik, 2015. Investigating the Validity of Microfading Spectroscopy to Predict Photochemically Induced Color Change at Lower Light Levels. NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference.
Liang, H., Lange, R., Lucian, A., Hyndes, P., J.H.Townsend, and S. Hackney. 2011, Development of portable microfading spectrometers for measurement of light sensitivity of materials. Proceedings of the 16th Triennial Conference ICOM-CC, Lisbon.
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Tao, C. and P.M. Whitmore. 2010. Development of a microfading tester for light exposure including near-ultraviolet wavelengths, American Institute of Conservation 38th Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, WI: The Textile Specialty Group Postprints,20: 181-189.
Thomascz, L., Thomas, J., Golab, R., J. Kawalko and J. Lojewska. 2011. Light ageing with simultaneous colorimetry via fibre optics reflection spectroscopy. Review of Scientific Instruments 82, 076102
Townsend, J.H., B.L.Ford and J. Townshend. 2013. Who’s not afraid of displaying Kurt Schwitters collages; a microfadeometry study to determine the sensitivity to light of five examples. Colour in Art; proceedings of the 12th Congress of the International Colour Association, Newcastle upon Tyne, 8th-12th July 2013 MacDonald L, Westland S & Wuerger, S. (eds)1: 35-38
Townsend, J.H., Fox, C. and Sacher, B., 2021. A Picasso paper collage of 1913–14: assessment of fragility and sensitivity to light. SN Applied Sciences, 3(6), pp.1-6
Townsend, J.H. and Freemantle, R., 2023. Three works on paper by Vincent Van Gogh: technical study, display considerations and a conjectural colour reconstruction. Journal of the Institute of Conservation, pp.1-20.
Troalen, L.G., Röhrs, S., Calligaro, T., Pacheco, C., Kunz, S., J.M. del Hoyo-Meléndez, and A.N. Hulme. 2016. A multi-analytical approach towards the investigation of Subarctic Athapaskan colouring of quillwork and its sensitivity to photo-degradation. Microchemical Journal 126: 83-91., 10.1016/j.microc.2015.11.053
Tse, S., Guild. S., V. Orlandini, and M. Trojan-Bedynski. 2010. Microfade testing of 19th century iron gall inks. American Institute of Conservation 38th Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, WI: The Textile Specialty Group Postprints 20:167-180.
Tse, S., L. Cipera, and C. Lecki. 2011, Microfading to support exhibit decisions: The Catharine Parr Traill Scrapbooks. Collection Forum 25(1): 92-106.
Tse. S., Dignard C., S. Kata, and E. J. Henderson. 2018. A study of the light sensitivity of birch bark. Studies in Conservation, DOI: 10.1080/00393630.2018.1437880
Tse, S. 2018, Microfade testing for heritage institutions: A Canadian experience. Studies in Conservation https://doi.org/10.1080/00393630.2018.1527984
Troalen, L.G., Röhrs, S., Calligaro, T., Pacheco, C., Kunz, S., J.M. del Hoyo-Meléndez, and A.N. Hulme. 2016. A multi-analytical approach towards the investigation of Subarctic Athapaskan colouring of quillwork and its sensitivity to photo-degradation. Microchemical Journal, 126: .83-91.
Various. 2016 Microfading Workshop & User Meeting, Rathgen-Forschungslabor, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin 7-8th November 2016
Vannucci, G., Joram, S., Beselin, A. and Röhrs, S., 2023. Micro fading test for textile single yarns: a new methodology applied to the Reformation Tapestry to assess its sensitivity to light. Heritage Science, 11(1), pp.1-11.
Vannucci, G., and S. Roehrs. 2019. Single yarn microfade test procedure for tapestries. Poster; Jahrestagung Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege, Wein, September 2019.
Vitorino, T., Picollo, M. and del Hoyo-Meléndez, J.M., 2024. An investigation of the photostability of 19th century artists’ cochineal lake pigments using MFT and conventional accelerated ageing tests. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, pp.1-19.
Whitmore, P.M., X. Pan, and C. Bailie. 1999. Predicting the fading of objects: identification of fugitive colorants through direct nondestructive light-fastness measurements, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 38: 395–409..
Whitmore, P.M. 2002. Pursuing the fugitive: direct measurement of light sensitivity with micro-fading tests, in: H.K. Stratis, B. Salvesen (Eds.), The Broad Spectrum: Studies in the Materials, Techniques and Conservation of Color on Paper. Chicago, 5–9 October 1999, Archetype, London, 2002: 241–244.
Whitmore, P.M., C. Bailie, and S. Connors. 2000. Micro-fading to predict the result of exhibition: progress and prospects. in Tradition and Innovation: Advances in Conservation, ed. A. Roy and P. Smith. London: IIC: 200-205.
Whitmore, P.M. 2005. The scientific examination of works of art on paper, in A.M. Sackler (Ed.). Colloquium on Scientific Examination of Art: Modern Techniques: in Conservation and Analysis, Washington DC, 19–21 March 2003, National Academy Press, Washington DC: 27–39.
Whitmore, P.M. and C. Tao. 2011. Development of a micro-fading tester with near-UV Capability. Final report to the National Center For Preservation Technology And Training.
Zweifel, S., Tse, S., A.Murray and M. Doutre. 2015. Exploring the Role of the Substrate in the Fading and Reversion behaviour of Prussian Blue Dye. http://resources.conservation-us.org/anagpic-student-papers/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2016/01/2015ANAGPIC_-Zweifel_paper.pdf
Boris Pretzel developed a similar "mini"-scale and less accelerated reflectance spectroscopic fade testing technique at the V&A in the early 2000’s.
Pretzel, B., 2001. Ephemeral or permanent? Illuminating the Bullerswood carpet. V & A conservation journal, (39), pp.29-30. http://www.vam.ac.uk/content/journals/conservation-journal/issue-39/ephemeral-or-permanent-illuminating-the-bullerswood-carpet/
Pretzel, B., 2008, September. Now you see it, now you don’t: lighting decisions for the Ardabil carpet based on the probability of visual perception and rates of fading. In ICOM Committee for Conservation, 16th Triennial Meeting, New Delhi (Vol. 2, pp. 759-765).
Pretzel, B., 2021, May. Surface alteration of Japanese lacquers on exposure to (UV-free) light. In Transcending Boundaries: Integrated Approaches to Conservation. Proceedings of the ICOM-CC 19th Triennial Conference, Beijing, China (pp. 17-21).
Light as an agent of deterioration by Stefan Michalski, Canadian Conservation Institute
Stefan's views on light exposure and risk management greatly influenced the way Nicki Smith and I thought about light-fading and the use of microfading results at the National Museum of Australia. Read the Light, Ultraviolet and Infrared pages of the 10 Agents of Deterioration and now the Light Damage Calculator at the CCI website.
CIE Standard for museum light exposure
Control of Damage to Museum Objects by Optical Radiation. CIE 157:2004, ISBN 978 3 901906 27 5. Can be purchased here.
The CIE standard for museum lighting which in part draws upon the information in Stefan's Light, Ultraviolet and Infrared pages above. Warning - the recommended display/dark ratio (1 year in 10) for colourants suspected to be BW3 or worse is unrealistically conservative for most museums.
The CIE standard for museum lighting which in part draws upon the information in Stefan's Light, Ultraviolet and Infrared pages above. Warning - the recommended display/dark ratio (1 year in 10) for colourants suspected to be BW3 or worse is unrealistically conservative for most museums.
The apparent alternative to microfading is measuring actual fading on display (hint, it's not practical at any scale).
Ford, BL 1992. Monitoring colour change in textiles on display, Studies in Conservation 37 vol 1, pp. 1–11.

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Last updated 29th July 2023